
Exploring and writing about the past, present and future in a meaningful way.


Amy Leigh Chandler is a UK based writer, researcher and reviewer interested in discovering the unique and often forgotten narratives of history, literature and the arts/ heritage sector. She has a BA degree in English Literature and History (2020) and a MA degree in Museums, Galleries and Contemporary Culture (2021) from the University of Westminster. 

Amy has a passion for the arts, British social history and adores falling between the pages of books. Despite growing up with Dyslexia, she has always been captivated by stories that spark imagination.

Writer, Researcher & Reviewer

amyleighchandler aims to create content that unravels the history, literary and cultural sectors in an innovative way that captures the imagination and critiques the world of our everyday lives. History is full of stories, characters and events that are often forgotten and lost to the sands of time, but Amy intends to unearth these stories and rebuild their narratives for all to know.

Writing & Books

Currently, Amy writes book reviews on Goodreads, NetGalley, on behalf of Aspects of History and her blog.   Her honest and imaginative reviews help wonderful books reach the right readers. She is dedicated to writing books where readers lose themselves in fictional worlds and inspire those who, like Amy, struggle with dyslexia. 

Amy is querying her debut adult fantasy novel – Pirates of the Caribbean meets Bridgerton.

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