Algarve, Portugal Diary 1

In May 2023, I visited the beautiful and picturesque Algarve coast in Portugal. This was my first visit and I wasn’t sure what to expect, I’d initially thought Portugal would have a similar vibe to Spain, but I was completely wrong. I stayed in Albufeira on the Algarve coast with a twenty-minute drive to the historic Old Town. Everyone I met throughout the trip such as hotel staff, shop owners and taxi drivers were very friendly and helpful. The atmosphere throughout the Old Town was really pleasant and relaxed with lots of shops, restaurants and beaches to enjoy. Old Town is also home to the Party strip that is overflowing with bars and clubs for those wanting to experience the nightlife of Albufeira.

Looking out to the beautiful beach. Photography by amyleighchandler.

A day of adventure awaits…

The Old Town is lined with beautiful mosaics and cobbled streets that are perfect for exploring and learning about Portuguese culture and history. Throughout the town was a lot of interesting and beautiful graffiti depicting different scenes and images, the image below depicts the ‘Conquest of Albufeira from the Moors’ Conquista de Albufeira Aos Mouros that explored the history of Albufeira. The artwork was a fascinating addition to exploring the town because around each cobbled street and corner there was something new and exciting to discover.

‘Conquest of Albufeira from the Moors’ Conquista de Albufeira Aos Mouros artwork throughout the Old Town. Photography by amyleighchandler.

The architecture was another intriguing feature to exploring the town. Each building was decorated with nameplates made of tiles with mosaics and cursive lettering that felt like I was stepping into another world. I loved the architecture and ornate decorations that adorned the walls and streets. The sign pictured below marks the place where the castle and the door of Saint Anna. Every building had one of these signs displaying their name and this gave the town a sense of unity and community that connected the space together.

Translation: ‘Door of Saint Anna, location of the old access door to the castle.  Enhancement and beautification works carried out in 1993,  Albufeira municipal chamber.’ Photography by amyleighchandler.

Whenever I visit a new town or country, I am always interested in the local history and visiting local galleries and museums. As a graduate with a MA degree in Museums, Galleries and Contemporary Culture I am intrigued in how museums around the world display their history and artefacts. I visited the Musée municipal d’archéologie (Municipal Museum of Archaeology) that displayed a collection of archaeological finds that trace Albufeira’s history. The museum was small and tucked away from the busy town centre, but had many fascinating and unique items in their collection. The museum is must-see for those interesting in learning more about Albufeira’s history and how this has shaped the architecture and culture.

Museu Municipal de Arqueologia in Old Town, Albufeira. Photograph by amyleighchandler.

Another example of captivating and intricate architecture is this ‘Antiquity Bar’ hidden away from the town centre and is adorned with seashells and patterns to create this dynamic and enticing design. I was fascinated by the intricacies of the design and the array of lush and green plants outside. By walking around the town one can stumble upon such beautiful places that makes the Old Town so unique and enticing.

Antiquity Bar adorned with seashells, Old Town Albufeira. Photograph by amyleighchandler.

Final thoughts?

The Old Town in Albufeira was captivating and I was constantly finding beautiful architecture and artwork that showcased the town’s historic heritage and talent, I only spent a few days in Portugal and would love to visit again to spend more time discovering everything the Algarve has to offer! Every person I encountered was polite, friendly and helpful that made the experience of shopping and exploring even more enjoyable. I also visited the mariner where the boat tours and other water activities were located. A highlight from the trip was the museum, the beach and feeling immersed in this fairy tale land that had so much to discover and enjoy. I was overwhelmed by the wonderful and delicate hand-made pottery and wanted to buy everything, but alas I don’t think anything breakable would survive the journey home in my suitcase. The souvenirs I collected from my trip was more than just a fridge magnet (which I did purchase) but an opportunity to explore another culture and soak up the history of Albufeira. Portugal – I will be back!

Read Amy’s Portugal Diary 2 here.

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1 thought on “Algarve, Portugal Diary 1”

  1. Pingback: Albufeira Museum, Portugal Diary 2 - amyleighchandler

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