Book Review: Beyond the Wand, by Tom Felton

Stories are the life-blood of community, and power the world we live and share experiences with each other. J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter series has captured the imaginations of generations and the films have also enriched so many people’s lives and shaped their childhoods. Tom Felton, who played the cunning and misunderstood Slytherin Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter franchise, recently published the highly anticipated autobiography Beyond the Wand, 2022.

The Harry Potter franchise is one that has dominated a large part of my childhood, not just through the films, but also the production and anticipation of the filming when driving past the Warner Bros Studios in Leavesden, I would always try to catch a glimpse of what was being filmed and usually only saw scaffolding and plastic sheets.

Magic and Mayhem…

Tom Felton’s autobiography entitled Beyond the wand explores his life and magic and the mayhem of growing up as a wizard.

The Harry Potter franchise has grown to extraordinary heights over the last two decades with the books becoming a staple for many children and adult’s bookshelves and reading lists. The Harry Potter films have also earned a place in popular culture for its cinematic sets and accolade of prolific actors in the cast. Felton anecdotally takes the reader on a journey from his early years and discovering acting in his local drama class to participating in auditions as a child actor to landing a notable role in The Borrowers. As a Harry Potter fan my interest in this publication was sparked and I wanted to learn the behind-the-scenes magic of the films, but was suddenly captivated by Felton’s story and personal struggles in the spotlight. The focused stories of each chapter and humorous titles narrate Felton’s journey towards his notable role of Draco Malfoy, this was interesting because Felton acknowledges that he enjoyed drama but was not a prodigy and his surprise at gaining success at a young age is a reminder that the reader should follow their interests and hobbies even if they aren’t a prodigy. 

The anecdotal approach to the storytelling of Felton’s life was easy to read and humorous in places that gave the reader bite size chunks that did not feel dense and self-indulgent.  I particularly enjoyed Felton’s exploration of the casting process for the characters of Harry, Ron and Hermione and how he originally auditioned for Harry but exuded Slytherin qualities and later was offered the part of Draco Malfoy. The casting and audition perspective from Felton’s eyes made an interesting and fascinating addition to how the films were made and the thought processes that went into ensuring the actors were as close to the book descriptions and mannerisms of the characters. This publication also artfully explores the balance between the magic of being a child actor on a large production set and the technicalities of filming that demystifies and paints a less glamourous picture. The anecdote of how the flying broomsticks of quidditch scenes were filmed paints a comical scene of Felton sitting on an uncomfortable contraption and screaming at tennis balls on sticks pretending to be in danger – the glamour of acting. The description of his fellow actors was also fascinating to understand how these child actors grew on their time during the franchise and how their acting became mentored by the adult actors and directors that is evident as the films progressed.

The magical world of Harry Potter, featuring Tom Felton’s Beyond the Wand, 2022. Photograph by amyleighchandler.

The focus of the fun, magic and mayhem of filming the Harry Potter franchise is carefully balanced with Felton’s emotional struggle with fame of such cinematic heights and success. An element that is often glossed over by many actors is how they dealt with a large, long term project ending and the actor’s fast rise into stardom and fame. Felton sensitively explores how grateful he is for the opportunity to work on the films and the fan’s dedication years after the films and books have completed. However, the subtle impact of attempting to find work after this success and feeling directionless is a subject that Felton describes in a compelling and heartfelt way that contemplates his own struggles with substance abuse and the realisation that moving to Los Angeles, where everyone knows his name was not the most conducive environment. Felton completes the publication with a happier note of contentment where he has found the environment that makes him feel comfortable. 

Mischief Managed…

Beyond the wand is a compelling, fascinating and comical publication that is an eye-opening read for fans of the Harry Potter wizarding world franchise that has a skilful blend of honest opinions, anecdotes from his time as Malfoy and gratitude to the fans. As someone who does not usually read autobiographies, I enjoyed this change in pace from fiction and the easy-to-read style encouraged me to read on to discover all the secrets of the Harry Potter films. This is a must-read for fans of the books and series and emphasises the magic that keeps many fans coming back to a timeless classic and brings so much joy to many readers and enthusiasts.

Have you read Tom Felton’s new autobiography? What are your thoughts? Is Draco Malfoy misunderstood or cunning beyond redemption? Let us know your thoughts on Instagram.

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